Our services
comprehensive services for science and mining expeditions
Our service
Icetugs offers comprehensive services for science and mining expeditions in Greenland. When you are starting to plan an expedition or if you need assistance in later stages we are the go-to partner for operations in the Arctic.
- Administration
- Facility
- Ships
- Logistics
- Setup
- Maintenance
- Sourcing
- Camps
- Decommisioning

Our team has long experience of opperations in Greenland and will assist you from the first stages through out the whole opperation.

From organizing the whole logistics to delivery on the side in Greenland, our team can take care of everything regarding logistics.

Our team has long and great experience in sourcing for all kinds of projects.

From the need analysis and designing to setting it up when in need of facility we will assist.

When the need of setting something up our team is ready for action.

Everything from sourching, shipping to location, seting up camp to taking it down is part of our service.

We have a flexible fleet of strong vessels with varying sizes and capabilities. The mix of vessels is ideally suited to serve expeditions in Greenland and the route between Iceland and Greenland..

Maintenance Service
We offer facilities on board for equipment maintenance; we can ship parts in and out of the site for maintenance in Iceland and handle all maintenance services for the expeditions.

Working with nature and according to official rules and regulations is important. We all want to work in harmony with nature and we are the partner for that.